The Ola Belle Project
“I’ve Endured”: The music and legacy of Ola Belle Reed
A new 45 minute documentary exploring the life and work of nationally recognized bluegrass and old-time musician Ola Belle Campbell Reed.
“I’ve Endured”: A concert honoring the music and legacy of Ola Belle Reed
View photos and information from the June 2, 2023 concert.
Featuring Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer, the Honey Dewdrops, David Reed, Hugh Campbell & friends w/ M.C. Cliff Murphy
Ola Belle Reed Film Gallery
Short documentaries, performances and extended interviews collected during the production of the “I’ve Endured.”
UMBC Albin O. Kuhn Gallery – Ola Belle Reed: “I’ve Endured”
March 27—June 30, 2023
UMBC Albin O. Kuhn Gallery
Exhibition celebrates this singer and songwriter of old-time mountain music.

This site is supported in part by the Maryland State Arts Council (